Terms and Conditions

The website www.maisonhubert.co, here in after referred to as “the website,” is a hotel reservation tool. It is published by SAS Maison Hubert with a share capital of €1000 – SIREN: 981728561 RCS BORDEAUX – Postal address: 1 rue Saint-Hubert 33000 Bordeaux. VAT number FR12981728561. 

To contact us: hello@maisonhubert.co or by phone at +33 5 54 54 92 34.

For the application of these general terms and conditions of sale, it is agreed that the customers and MAISON HUBERT will collectively be referred to as the “Parties” and individually as the “Party,” and that the user who has validated a reservation or an order will then be referred to as the « client.”

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to all countries and currencies. Any reservation or order implies full acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale.

MAISON HUBERT reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions of sale at any time by publishing a new version on the website. The applicable general terms and conditions of sale remain those in force at the date of the reservation or the placing of the order.


“Confirmation Email”: Email sent by MAISON HUBERT in the final step of the reservation or ordering process. It summarizes the reservation validated by the client and confirms its receipt by the website www.maisonhubert.co. The confirmation email constitutes a reservation confirmation as defined below.

“Reservation Confirmation”: Dematerialized document that summarizes the characteristics of the services reserved at the end of the reservation process and its validation by the Client. The reservation confirmation occurs notably after a reservation made on the website www.maisonhubert.co during which the client enters their credit card number as part of an online payment or guarantee before proceeding to final validation.

“Client”: Adult individual with full legal capacity at the time of contracting with the establishment.

“Reservation Request”: Room reservation request made by the client via mobile communication services or the internet.

“Online Reservation”: Reservation of rooms and any additional services offered by the establishment MAISON HUBERT on its website www.maisonhubert.co.

“Reservation by Phone or Email”: Reservation of rooms or additional services offered by MAISON HUBERT by telephone call or by sending an email by the Client, following the reservation registration process as described in these general terms and conditions of sale.

“Establishment”: Refers to the establishment MAISON HUBERT comprising rooms or any other ancillary services offered on the website www.maisonhubert.co.

“Services”: Services marketed by MAISON HUBERT consisting of providing rooms whose essential characteristics are presented on the website www.maisonhubert.co with breakfast services and other additional services related to temporary accommodation. These services, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 111-1 of the Consumer Code, are listed on the website www.maisonhubert.co.

“Extras”: Services marketed by MAISON HUBERT consisting of different and complementary services to those offered in the provision of rooms, whose essential characteristics are presented on the website www.maisonhubert.co.

“Website”: Electronic service operated by MAISON HUBERT on the internet network and accessible via the following URL: www.maisonhubert.co.



These general terms and conditions apply, without restriction or reservation, to all services offered on the website www.maisonhubert.co. by MAISON HUBERT operating the aforementioned site notably for the purpose of room reservations and other additional services for temporary accommodation in the establishment.

2.1.2. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all operations of subscribing to the services defined above carried out by the Client.


The service offerings on this website are offered to be provided to the Client by MAISON HUBERT at its establishment to the exclusion of any other location following an effective reservation by the Client.


2.3.1. These general terms and conditions apply for the entire duration of the services being made available by MAISON HUBERT on its website www.maisonhubert.co

2.3.2. MAISON HUBERT reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to temporarily or permanently close the website www.maisonhubert.co or the online reservation space.

2.3.3. MAISON HUBERT is not responsible for damages of any kind that may result from temporary unavailability or permanent closure of all or part of the site or the associated services, such as the online reservation space.


2.4.1. These general terms and conditions are subject to the provisions of articles L. 121-16 and following of the Consumer Code.

2.4.2. Any reservation for the consumption of the services defined above, made on the website www.maisonhubert.co, is subject to these general terms and conditions and specific rate terms for each of the said services provided by MAISON HUBERT as described below.


2.5.1. These general terms and conditions define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of distance reservation services offered by MAISON HUBERT on its website www.maisonhubert.co

2.5.2. They govern all the steps necessary for the reservation and monitoring of the reservation between the contracting parties, its maintenance, and its validity.


3.1 The client does not benefit from any legal right of withdrawal when purchasing a stay online. Indeed, article L. 121–21- 8 12° of the Consumer Code provides that the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised, among other things, for contracts for accommodation services.

If you wish to cancel your reservation, check the conditions of your reservation.

3.2. Every Client acknowledges having the capacity to contract under the conditions described in the general terms and conditions presented below, that is to say, having reached the legal age of majority and not being under guardianship or curatorship. However, the Management of the establishment reserves the right to request from the Client, upon arrival at the establishment, a piece of identification containing, in particular, his date of birth.

3.3. The Client acknowledges that these conditions are integral parts of the establishment’s contract.

3.4. The Client agrees that the General Terms and Conditions, the contractual documents informing him of the specific services and rates for each of the services, are presented to him online on the website www.maisonhubert.co

3.5. The Client declares that he has obtained all necessary information from MAISON HUBERT on the website www.maisonhubert.co

3.6. The Client acknowledges having read these general terms and conditions, having accepted them, as well as all the terms of the proposal before placing his order and accepting all the terms in full.

3.7. Any online reservation validation from the website www.maisonhubert.co by the Client implies prior consultation and acceptance of these general terms and conditions.

3.8. The Client’s agreement to these general terms and conditions occurs during the reservation process, prior to the validation of his reservation.

3.9. Prior to ordering services, the Client declares that the reservation of these services is made for his personal needs.

3.10. The Client has the option to save and edit these general terms and conditions from the website www.maisonhubert.co using standard browser and/or computer functionalities.

3.11. The Client expressly agrees that entering the required banking information, accepting these general terms and conditions, and validating the voucher or reservation request constitute an electronic signature within the meaning of article 1316-4 of the Civil Code which has, between the parties, the same value as a handwritten signature.

3.12. The Client, upon presentation of his identification as stated in article 3.1 above, undertakes to fill out the individual police form in the countries concerned by this article, in accordance with the provisions of article R. 611-42 of the Code of Entry and Stay of Foreigners.


4.1. The website includes the following information:

   – Identification of the company MAISON HUBERT including its business name, address of establishment, and email address.

   – Essential characteristics of the accommodations offered, with the possibility to consult the details of each room category, the rates, as well as the cancellation and payment conditions.

   – Payment methods.

   – General terms and conditions of sale.

   – Duration of validity of the offer and its rates.

   – Absence of right of withdrawal, and if applicable, cancellation terms.

4.2. All information on the website www.maisonhubert.co is presented in both French and English.



5.1.1. The Client can choose from the services presented on the website www.maisonhubert.co, which offers the possibility to book a room according to transparent contractual rates, with or without optional extras chosen by the Client.

5.1.2. The Client acknowledges having read about the nature, destination, and reservation modalities of the services available on the website www.maisonhubert.co, and having obtained the necessary information to make the reservation with full knowledge.

5.1.3. The Client is solely responsible for choosing services that meet their needs, and MAISON HUBERT cannot be held liable in this regard.

5.1.4. The reservation is considered accepted by the client at the end of the reservation process, by clicking on the “PAY” button.


5.2.1. The reservation is confirmed upon receipt by the client of the booking confirmation sent by MAISON HUBERT or upon online payment by credit card under the conditions specified in Article 5.2.4.

5.2.2. The Client undertakes, prior to any reservation, to complete the requested information.

5.2.3. The client attests to the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided.

5.2.4. The reservation procedure includes the following steps, with the possibility for the Client to go back in the reservation process:

Selection of the start date (arrival) and end date (departure) of the stay. If the arrival and departure dates are not provided, a calendar displaying available or fully booked days for the previously selected establishment will appear. By clicking on the dates, the Client can select their arrival and departure dates and proceed to the next steps.

Selection of the number of adults per room: The Client determines the number of adults per room with a click.

Selection of the number of children per room: The Client determines the number of children per room with a click.

Selection of rooms and associated rates: The Client chooses between the different available rooms and rates proposed based on the information entered in the previous steps, including essential characteristics such as the room category on the previously chosen date, its price, level of equipment, cancellation conditions, and payment conditions.

Selection of Extras: The client can add one or more extras with a simple click, based on their availability and the information entered in the previous steps. These extras display rates, quantities, and specific characteristics. By clicking “add,” the Client completes the selection and entry of the elements of the online reservation, without prejudice to the ability to modify the reservation elements by returning to the previously completed reservation process.

Reservation summary: Display of the reservation summary in a box on the right.

Reservation finalization: By clicking on the “next” button, the client confirms the summarized and displayed elements composing their reservation and prompts the fields necessary for the Client to enter their identity, contact information including postal address, email, and phone number, type of stay, as well as payment method and credit card details for online payment, for taking a guarantee by credit card details depending on the chosen rate; acceptance of these general terms and conditions; and final validation by the Client of their reservation by clicking under the “pay” field at the bottom of the page. Before confirming their reservation, the Client can write in a dedicated field labeled “special requests” a request for clarification or a special request, which is not contractually guaranteed by MAISON HUBERT unless a written response is provided confirming the request with the possibility of providing the requested service indicating its price if applicable for acceptance by the Client. By clicking “pay,” the client pays or provides their guarantee by credit card depending on the rate they have reserved. Last step: recording by MAISON HUBERT of the reservation made by the Client and assignment of a corresponding booking confirmation number.


5.3.1. Phone Reservation Phone reservation as defined below is made at the referenced phone numbers. During the phone reservation request by the Client, MAISON HUBERT offers available rates and related additional services based on the Client’s request for the requested dates. MAISON HUBERT also requests a phone number and an email address where MAISON HUBERT will send the general terms and conditions of sale and the summary of the reservation request, and, if applicable, the request for bank details for the registration of the reservation, with or without payment during the reservation process of the price, a deposit, or a guarantee by credit card details depending on the applicable rate determined by the Client during their reservation request. All information and conditions required by MAISON HUBERT in response to the Client’s phone reservation request constitute substantial formalities for the recording of the Client’s reservation made by phone. Failure to do so would render the reservation invalid or unconfirmed. By minimally responding by email with the information required by MAISON HUBERT the Client cannot complain about the failure to record their reservation; the establishment contract not being formed due to their failure to provide this information and conditions. Only the written confirmation of the reservation recording constitutes the conclusion of the contract.

5.3.2. Email Reservation Email reservation as defined below is made at the email address indicated on the website pages, either hello@maisonhubert.co. During the email reservation request, MAISON HUBERT in response to the email address from which the reservation request is made, offers available rates and related additional services based on the Client’s request for the requested dates. MAISON HUBERT sends the general terms and conditions of sale at the Client’s request as well as the summary of the reservation request, and, if applicable, the request for bank details for the registration of the reservation, with or without payment during the reservation process of the price, a deposit, or the deposit of a guarantee by credit card details depending on the applicable rate determined by the Client during their reservation request. All information and conditions required by MAISON HUBERT in response to the Client’s email reservation request constitute substantial formalities for the recording of the Client’s reservation made by email. In the event of the Client failing to meet the requirements expected by MAISON HUBERT in the general terms and conditions of sale, the Client cannot complain about the failure to record their reservation. Only the written confirmation of the reservation recording is considered final.

5.4. Right of Withdrawal / Cancellation by the Client:

5.4.1. For Accommodation services (room reservations within an establishment), it is reminded to the Client that they do not have the right of withdrawal provided for in Article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code, in accordance with Article L. 221-28, paragraph 12 of the Consumer Code, which excludes this right for contracts relating to accommodation services that must be provided on a specific date or during a specified period.

5.4.2. Without prejudice to the provisions referred to in Article 5.5.1, the contractual conditions may provide for a cancellation right free of charge seven days before the date of the stay. From the 6th day before the stay, the full stay remains due. In this case, the Client may have been informed of the cancellation conditions. Conditions are also recalled during the various steps leading to payment.

5.4.3. The cancellation right defined in Article 5.5.2 may be exercised by the Client via a link available in their booking confirmation email. By clicking the OK button, the cancellation will take effect immediately, and all packages associated with this reservation will also be canceled. A cancellation confirmation email will then be sent to the client.

5.4.4. Cancellation by phone or email is also possible. This must necessarily be accompanied by an email from the Client and will be followed by a confirmation email


6.1. The prices for booking services are indicated before and during the booking process. Prices are valid in real-time and are displayed under the conditions specified in Article 5.2.4. Similarly, for other reservation methods by phone or email, the rates are valid at the time of the reservation request made by the Client. In any case, the specific pricing conditions related to each rate/room type or additional services are displayed alongside each service subject to reservation by the Client.

6.2. The prices indicated are per room per night, including breakfast, with the understanding that the chosen rate implies by default that the Client checks into the room starting at 4 p.m. and checks out before 11 a.m. Upon check-in, a credit card imprint and an identity document may be requested. Upon check-out in case of client absence, MAISON HUBERT reserves the right to charge the credit card left as an imprint during check-in.

6.3. Prices are subject to value-added tax (VAT) and are displayed in the amount including VAT at the rate applicable at the time of reservation confirmation, in Euros or in the currency selected by the client. The displayed prices are valid only for the duration indicated on the website.

6.4. If payment is made in a currency other than the client’s country of residence, exchange fees will be borne by the client.

6.5. All reservations are payable in Euros as specified during the reservation process.

6.6. Unless otherwise stated, additional services and other extras selected are not included in the price. However, the price of these additional services validated in the Client’s reservation is payable during the online reservation process. These rates are also subject to VAT at the applicable rate at the time of reservation, if applicable, based on the regulations applicable to these categories of products or services under a different rate than that applicable to room reservations.

6.7. Tourist tax: the amount of the tourist tax is provided per day per person (€1.15). This tax collected for the benefit of the municipality of Bordeaux is payable on-site during the stay.

6.8. Prices include the applicable VAT on the day of the order, and any change in the applicable VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the indicated prices, particularly in the event of a change in the rate applicable on the day of consumption of the stay and the Extras subscribed compared to the rates applicable at the time the reservation was made.

6.9. If a rate implies that payment is made at the establishment upon arrival or departure of your stay, and the client’s currency is not the same as that of the country where the establishment is located, the rate charged by the latter may differ from that communicated at the time of reservation, considering the possible fluctuation of exchange rates between the reservation date and the dates of stay at the establishment.

6.10. Any item stolen from the room during the stay will be charged at the prevailing rate. Rates available on request.

6.11. In case of damage to the room, common areas, or various objects, MAISON HUBERT reserves the right to charge the client for the damages at the applicable rate.


7.1. Payment for the reservation is made by credit card (remote payment or via a secure link) or in cash. The balance of the stay can be paid by credit card or cash. The following cards are accepted: CB, VISA, VISA Electron, MASTERCARD, and MAESTRO.

The entry of payment methods is secure through SSL encryption. 

The following information will be required to finalize your reservations: card number, expiration date, and visual cryptogram in the case of online payment via the dedicated payment platform. The same applies to the communication of bank details required in the context of reservations made by phone or email according to the required form conditions, which involve either payment at the time of reservation or the requirement of a security deposit by credit card imprint depending on the rate of the reservation.

7.2. Payment is debited at the time of booking following the particular contractual conditions previously accepted by the Client.

7.3. The provider chosen by MAISON HUBERT to secure online payments by credit card performs a verification of the validity of the client’s payment card. There may be a refusal of the payment card for several reasons: stolen card, blocked card, reached limit, input error, etc. In case of difficulty or prevention, the client must approach, on one hand, their bank to identify its origin, and on the other hand, the establishment to confirm their reservation and payment method.

7.4. If the client reserves multiple rooms but payment, online and in any case during the reservation process, is only required for one room, for example, in this case, the payment card used on the payment platform allows, on one hand, to pay for the room concerned by the online payment and, in any case during the reservation process, on the other hand, to serve as a guarantee for the other rooms.

7.5. At the time of online payment and in any case when required during the reservation process, the amount debited during the reservation includes: the price of accommodation, accommodation-related taxes, and the price of additional services or « extras”.

7.6. Following the stay at the MAISON HUBERT establishment and regardless of how the reservation was made, an invoice is issued by MAISON HUBERT and may be handed over or sent by email to the Client upon departure from the establishment.

7.7. Payment by check is not accepted, whether it concerns temporary accommodation services and/or any other services or product sales provided by MAISON HUBERT to the Client during their stay at the establishment.

7.8 In any case, any “Extras” or other services that have been reserved and delivered by MAISON HUBERT during the Client’s stay and have not been subject to prior payment at the time of reservation must be paid by the Client no later than at Check-out.


8.1. For any claim, the Client is invited to send a letter or an email to:


1 rue Saint-Hubert

33000 Bordeaux

Email: hello@maisonhubert.co

8.2. MAISON HUBERT is obliged to ensure the conformity of services, in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 111-2 of the Consumer Code, without prejudice to any additional contractual guarantee that may be agreed between the parties, outside of these general conditions, according to a written and duly signed contract by the parties.

8.3. MAISON HUBERT strives to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations, and texts provided give as accurate an overview as possible of the accommodation, catering, and other additional services offered. However, these photographs are non-contractual, and variations may occur, notably due to changes in furniture, new decorations, or possible renovations. Subject to availability, unless a reservation has been made with an express request for a specific room and confirmed in writing by MAISON HUBERT, the Client cannot make any claim on this basis, provided that these variations do not affect the essential characteristics of the service.

8.4. MAISON HUBERT cannot be held responsible for the non-performance or improper performance of the reservation in case of force majeure, acts of third parties, acts of the client, or acts of its partners, such as the unavailability of the Internet network, inability to access the website, external intrusion, computer viruses, or in the case of online payment, refusal by the cardholder’s bank to authorize the transaction.

8.5. Although MAISON HUBERT provides an internet access service via wifi in the establishment, in case of malfunction of this service not attributable to the establishment, total or partial, for any reason whatsoever, during the stay, the Client will not be entitled to any refund of the reservation or any compensation.

8.6. MAISON HUBERT will not incur any liability for any indirect and/or immaterial damages, including loss of profit, loss of business, acts of third parties, acts of the client, or acts of its partners.

8.7. Hyperlinks on the website www.maisonhubert.co may redirect to other sites than MAISON HUBERT‘s, which disclaims any responsibility for the content of these sites and the services offered.

8.8. In accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013, we inform the Client that they also have the possibility to lodge a complaint on the online dispute resolution platform set up by the European Commission (RLL platform). This platform is accessible by clicking on the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.


In accordance with the provisions of articles L 611-1 and R 612-1 and following of the Consumer Code concerning the amicable settlement of disputes, when the consumer has sent a written complaint to the professional and has not obtained satisfaction or a response within a period of two months, they may submit their complaint free of charge to the consumer mediator.

The mediator must be contacted within a maximum period of one year from the initial complaint.

The mediator “La Médiation Tourisme et Voyage” can be contacted directly online at the following address: https://www.mtv.travel/

Or by mail:


15 avenue Carnot

75017 PARIS


In accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013, we inform the Client that they also have the possibility to lodge a complaint on the online dispute resolution platform set up by the European Commission (RLL platform). This platform is accessible by clicking on the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.


11.1. The information requested from the Client during the secure reservation process is mandatory for SAS Maison Hubert, acting as the data controller, and its providers (payment, online reservation) acting on behalf of MAISON HUBERT.

These data enable order processing, customer file management, and newsletter management.

Regarding the newsletter, the Client may agree to receive special offers and information about any new service created by MAISON HUBERT via email or SMS. They are informed that they can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the dedicated link in the email or SMS.

The information provided to MAISON HUBERT is kept for a duration in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as the Data Protection Act, as amended, each Client has the right to access, rectify, oppose, and delete information concerning them by contacting hello@maisonhubert.co.

11.2. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Client acknowledges and accepts that MAISON HUBERT may, for the proper execution of the Services, collect their telephone data.

In accordance with Article L. 223-2 of the Consumer Code and Law No. 2014-344 of March 17, 2014, concerning consumption, the Client has the option to register for free on the BLOCTEL telephone solicitation opt-out list (www.bloctel.gouv.fr) to avoid receiving telemarketing calls. The Client can register for free on this list on the BLOCTEL website.

11.3. The reservation of overnight stays and/or Extras in the relevant establishment and their consumption by Clients and/or their companions, or even their mere presence in the establishment, in no way authorizes any audiovisual recording, shooting, or photography in the premises and dependencies of the establishment, including the rooms, for commercial, promotional, advertising, press relations, or public relations purposes, website illustration, etc., and more generally for any collective use or likely to involve a public audience. The interior architecture, graphic designs adorning the common areas and rooms of the establishment are protected by copyright, the rights of which are fully reserved. Any session of audiovisual recording, shooting, reproduction, or representation of images featuring the premises and dependencies of the relevant establishment for any purpose other than strictly private use is subject to prior authorization from MAISON HUBERT under penalty of infringement, notably by the civil and criminal provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.


12.1. These general terms and conditions are governed by French law.

12.2. In the event that any provision of these general terms and conditions is declared null or ineffective, in any way and for any reason whatsoever, it shall be deemed unwritten and shall not invalidate the other provisions.

Any disputes that may arise between the parties in connection with the interpretation and/or execution of these general terms and conditions shall, failing amicable agreement, be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal, except for disputes concerning non-traders, for which the legal rules on jurisdiction shall apply.

12.3. Please note that all rooms are non-smoking. If you smoke indoors at MAISON HUBERT we will be obliged to charge you a cleaning fee of 80 euros to your credit card.

12.4. Numerous decorative objects are placed in our rooms. If you like them as much as we do, you can purchase them. If you happen to leave with one or more items, MAISON HUBERT will directly charge your credit card. Our prices are available on request.

12.5. The establishment does not have access for people with reduced mobility. Please feel free to inform us of any special requests when making your reservation.

12.6: The establishment does not accept pets.

12.7: Reservations are made for a defined number of guests. If the number of guests exceeds this number, MAISON HUBERT reserves the right to refuse additional persons.

12.8: The client undertakes to respect the peaceful character of the premises and to use them in accordance with their intended purpose. They undertake to return the rooms in the condition in which they found them and to report any damage for which they may be responsible and to assume the cost of repairs.

12.9: Breakfast is served in the room or in the breakfast room between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on weekdays and Saturdays, and between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays.